Wish I Can Become A Star
Stars which are shining in the sky,
Some of them already disappeared thousands of light-year
But is there any force that can besiege their bright
They escape the prison of space-time,
And settle upon the night sky,
Through a blinking light,
Murmuring to me.
You might think you are lonelier than I am,
Yet you have innumerous brothers and sisters
who accompany you shining in the sky.
I am only a stranger in a foreign land,
Who depends on your dim light,
To trace my happy memories for away.
You might think I have more freedom than you do,
Yet you can blink freely at night, smile upon the
Share the joy and happiness of those lucky ones.
I can only love an earthly life,
Which is filled with worries and anxiety.
You might think you are insignificantly small,
Yet you are enough to be identified in the universe,
I can only be a particle of this society,
You however can shine brightly upon the earth,
Bring the light of life to people.
I wish I could become a star,
Let us forget the torment and vexation,
Let us give our light to the night,
Let us together be shining stars.
~~~by Jian Han Li~~~